Bluetooth controlled mobile robot

The BC04 bluetooth module allowed me to control my mobile robot using my Android phones Bluetooth. In case you’re clueless about the BC04 module, refer to my earlier blog post

Android App:


Download the APK
App Source Code

I developed an Android app to send commands to the robot. The user has to first pick the device to connect to (in this case BOLUTEK, which is the modules Bluetooth name). After the connection is established, pressing the direction buttons in the app sends the commands forward, left, right, reverse or stop over Bluetooth. The Arduino receives these commands via the Bluetooth module and controls the motors accordingly.


Eagle Schematic

Arduino Code:

I used the SoftwareSerial library to interface the module to my Arduino UNO board.

Source code

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define rxPin 12
#define txPin 13

int EN_A = 9; // to 1,2EN of L293D
int EN_B = 10; // to 3,4EN of L293D
int IN_A1 = 5; // to 1A of L293D
int IN_A2 = 6; // to 2A of L293D
int IN_B1 = 7; // to 3A of L293D
int IN_B2 = 8; // to 4A of L293D

int speed = 100;
boolean dir = 1; // 1 (true) indicates forward, 0 indicates reverse
int left = 0;
int right = 0;

SoftwareSerial mySerial(rxPin, txPin);

void setup() {
 Serial.begin (9600);
 pinMode(rxPin, INPUT);
 pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT); 


 Serial.println("Commencing Transmission");

 mySerial.setTimeout(2000); // Set time out 10 sec
 mySerial.flush(); // Flush MySerial buffer

void loop() {
 int lim = 80;
 char rbuf[lim];
 char str[] = "Hi from Arduino";

 //Serial.print("Sending String: ");

 for ( int i = 0; i < 80; i++ )  rbuf[i] = 0;  if ( mySerial.available() > 0 ) {
 mySerial.readBytesUntil('\n', rbuf, lim);
 mySerial.flush(); // Flush MySerial buffer
 mySerial.print("Got : \"");
 Serial.print("Got String: ");

 String command = rbuf;
 if ( command.equalsIgnoreCase("forward") ) {
 Serial.println("moving forward");
 dir = 1;
 set_left_motor(speed, dir);
 set_right_motor(speed, dir);
 else if ( command.equalsIgnoreCase("left") ) {
 Serial.println("moving left");
 set_left_motor(speed, ! dir); // turn off left motor
 set_right_motor(speed, dir); // right motor turned on
 else if ( command.equalsIgnoreCase("right") ) {
 Serial.println("moving right");
 set_left_motor(speed, dir); // left motor turned on
 set_right_motor(speed, ! dir); // turn off right motor
 else if ( command.equalsIgnoreCase("stop") ) {
 set_left_motor(0, dir);
 set_right_motor(0, dir);
 else if ( command.equalsIgnoreCase("reverse") ) {
 dir = 0;
 set_left_motor(speed, dir);
 set_right_motor(speed, dir);


void init_motors() {
 // set output modes
 pinMode(IN_A1, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(IN_A2, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(IN_B1, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(IN_B2, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(EN_A, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(EN_B, OUTPUT);

 // initialize ports to safely turn off the motors
 analogWrite(EN_A, 0);
 analogWrite(EN_B, 0);
 digitalWrite(IN_A1, 1);
 digitalWrite(IN_A2, 0);
 digitalWrite(IN_B1, 1);
 digitalWrite(IN_B2, 0);

void set_left_motor(int speed, boolean dir) {
 analogWrite(EN_A, speed); // PWM on enable lines
 digitalWrite(IN_A1, dir);
 digitalWrite(IN_A2, ! dir);

void set_right_motor(int speed, boolean dir) {
 analogWrite(EN_B, speed);
 digitalWrite(IN_B1, dir);
 digitalWrite(IN_B2, ! dir);

3 thoughts on “Bluetooth controlled mobile robot

  1. Pingback: Chatting with a BC04 Bluetooth module using Android | Punkisnail

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